Hotel Mesón de Aínsa gives their gests accurate tourist information. We recommend you to visit the places that we have visited before, so we can give you personal and complete information based in our experiences, about any hiking or excursion that you want to do in the Aínsa surroundings: Ordesa and Monte Perdido National Park, Sierra de Guara Natural Park, Guara Canyons, Posets Maladeta Natural Park, etc. We also offer information about climbing some of the 3000 meter peaks (>9800 ft), and provide you tracks of the classical routes. Of course, we are part of the BTT Zero Zone Project (you can visit its web).

When you arrive to the hotel, together with your keys, you will receive a leaflet with maps and information about the most popular trips in the region. But, if you would prefer to visit some remote and special places (as the one you can see in the attached image) we can also explain you how to arrive there. In this case is the Alembic cascade.